Geri Ferrer-chan – Ritual vessel in the shape of a rhinoceros
I chose to draw this object for an Asian Art history class at San Francisco State University back in 1978. Little did I know I would be a jade circle member in 2003 and that the Asian Art museum would become so much a part of my life! From the fantastic exhibits to the beautiful parties and tours…I love the Asian Art museum!
Annie Tsang Ronquillo – Vessel in the shape of a duck
Who doesn’t want to drink wine out of this playful duck? It’ll truly be the happiest of happy hours.
Roy Berkowitz – The Hindu deity Shiva revealed in the linga
I think it is a beautiful metaphor and an amazing piece of sculpture.
Megan Walch – Covered jar with fish in lotus pond
This piece is elegant and intricate. There is a sense of color harmony and movement in the design. The composition is a great use of space and keeps the viewer interested, since there is so much to look at. Truly beautiful piece of artwork.
Melissa Rinne – Standing Indra (Taishakuten), one of a pair
Rarest and most significant artwork kn the Japanese collection. So much history, and so beautiful…
Lissa Tyler Renaud – Page of calligraphy
…it combines the decorative arts with poetry– the visual and the verbal; everything about it is both appealing and complex; it has an unusual color combination–see the saturation of that glorious blue; the calligrapher was cherished in his time; it’s from an unfamiliar sensibility, so it expands the visual imagination to look at it. I also hope my vote might draw attention to this relatively quiet piece from Afghanistan–I’m afraid many people think of the country only as a pile of rubble.
Danton Chin – Covered jar with fish in lotus pond
I love the colors and its classic shape.
Aileen Brasche – The bull Nandi
Pure nostalgia. I remember this bull being in the hallway leading to the Asian Art museum back when it was still attached to the de Young. I would go to weekly art classes, and walk past Nandi any time our class took us into Asia instead of other parts of the world. This sculpture feels so familiar I could hug him! (Don’t worry, I don’t touch the artifacts.)
Bruce Kim – Landscape in Snow
I love depth in landscapes